Yesterday, was my dearest beloved Annette’s funeral – it was a beautifully moving experience and greatly touched all
our hearts.

I know that Annette was with me – connecting with my energies within my heart, mind, body and soul – and, although I
did shed a few tears, at the same time I was very happy for Annette that, at last, she was completely free of all her
physical limitations. She can now ‘fly’ like a bird, through the spiritual universe, and will be able to fulfil a new role
as my spiritual mentor.

Annette has already shown me a pathway in which my future metaphysical direction lies. And I will be sharing more
information about these exciting plans and ideas very shortly.

My son, Gregor, wrote the following words for Annette – which were included in her funeral and which I
would like to share with you:-

Walking in the clouds so high
Looking down on us all
Taking care of those you love
Never again you shall fall.

Walking in the clouds so high
Is this Farewell or Goodbye?
Walking in the clouds once more
Free from suffering and pain.

Sending your hopes and dreams
For us to live your life again
Walking in the clouds once more
We love you Annette, like never before.

During the past few weeks – since Annette first went into hospital – I have received hundreds of emails and messages
of sympathy and condolence – thank you from the very bottom of my heart for all your wonderful thoughts and
good wishes. Every word that you wrote has been very much appreciated by me.

Annette’s passing to the World of Light and Love was very unexpected – and, I willingly admit, a great shock to me. It
has taken me some time to become more rebalanced and to allow myself the time and space in which to begin to
understand the reasons behind Annette’s sudden departure from our earthly domain.

If you have not already viewed the Spirit Orbs Movie which Annette assisted me to create a few days after her
passing you may like to visit:-

Thanks again for all your wonderful love and support

With many healing blessings



Annette (in the World of Light and Love)